June of the Arch ParT ( I )
June of the Arch, The enmity between the French and the British has been proverbial in an era. There was a time when wherever the British went in the world, the French followed them and tried to take them out and occupy themselves. In some places they succeeded and in others they failed.
Although this animosity has turned into an illusory friendship in modern times, it is still a sign of Aaf French's feelings that he does not like to speak English and if luckily Camara forgot any foreign tourists, he would not forget any Frenchman in English. If you ask him the way, he will not answer in English even though he knows English and will say if you know French, ask, otherwise take your way.
There is a long and bloody background to this enmity between the French and the British.
Going into this background, it will take a long time. However, its culmination was the Centennial War, which lasted from 1337 to 1453 in the form of small battles. The war began with the liberation of some French territories from British rule. Although the territory was ceded by the French monarchs to the British monarchs themselves in return for their loyalty and recognition of their monarchy.
various wars
Some of these areas were of great economic importance and in the process of liberating such areas, the two countries started a war in the form of various wars, peace agreements and later violations of these agreements. It lasted for more than a hundred years.
The final outcome of this war was that in 1415, the British King Henry V launched a major invasion of France. In the first phase of the invasion, a fierce battle took place in which the British troops repulsed the French and consolidated the occupation of a part of France. This was followed by the systematic conquest of France in 1417. The French had split, so the armies of Burgundy, one of its states, were helping the British.
The area of Normandy was easily conquere by the British. To save his life, the French government made an agreement with the British monarch. Under which the French crown prince was stripped of his crown. And his sister was admitte to the British monastery. However, the war did not end because a large part of France was not yet ready to accept the agreement. These people were in support of the Crown Prince.
The military offensive in France resumed. In 1424 the Duke of Bedford defeated the French at Vernoul. And in 1427 laid siege to Orleans, a major French city. The capture of the city meant that the whole of France came under British rule. This is when June of Arc appeared on the battlefield.
Joff of Arc was the daughter of a working class family. She was born in 1412.