June of the Arch: ParT (II)
June of the Arch:
Ever since she was a child, she used to hear voices that she used to call heavenly voices. Along with these voices, he sometimes saw different scenes and shapes. John of Arc believed that these voices belonged to the martyrs and saints who had passed away before him and came to perform his duty of guidance.
In 1429, when the fall of Orleans and the defeat of France were certain, these voices began to urge John of Arc to rise up and, with the help of the French Crown Prince, bring him back under his control and drive the British invaders out of France.
Take it out The then French Crown Prince later became known as Charles VII. John of Arc met him and convince him that he had been commissione by the heavenly powers to save France.
A group of religious scholars confirmed this, so Charles VII handed over troops. John of Arc was only 17 at the time. John of Arc competed with the British with his small army. She wore men's clothing and armor on the battlefield and held a white flag, a symbol of French independence.
Under his leadership, the French army was defeate step by step by the British. The siege of New Orleans ended and the British had to flee from many other places. June Today, after the conquests of the Arc, it became possible for the French Crown Prince to sit on the throne and carry the crown of the kingdom on his head.
Charles VII became King of France. After becoming king, he did not forget the favors of John of Arc and gave him his equal place on the throne. Thanks to the Arch of June, the whole of France was unite under the banner of Charles VII.
John of Arc's mission was not over. She wanted to drive the British out of France altogether, but Charles VII was not in favor of sending more troops. So John of Arc, without royal help, raised an army of his own and set out to fight the British.
On the way, she accidentally fell into the hands of Burgundy soldiers who sold her to the British. He was trie in a religious court. And sentenced to death for wearing masculine clothing, insulting the church and practicing witchcraft.
John of Arc later apologized to the church. And the death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment, but since he returned to prison and began wearing men's clothing again, he was re-tried.
This time the court was secular. The court sentenced him to death, and on May 30, 1431, at the age of 19, John of Arc was burne alive. Twenty-five years after his death, the church reconsidered his case and this time acquitted him of all charges.
Although Joff of Arc was dead, the church's action removed the stain on his name that had consistently made him an atheist and an apostate. June of Arc was burnt to ashes, but the candle of Hurriyat that she had lit was not extinguished.
The tide of war turned in France's favor. And by the end of the war in 1453, France had become completely independent. In the history of France, the June of the Ark is known as a symbol of freedom and patriotism.
It is now known as St. John of Arc because in 1920 the pope gave him the status of saint. He spent his life trying to free France from British rule. But unfortunately, without completing his mission, he was betraye by a few of his comrades.
Although it cannot be calle perfect misfortune, its good fortune is not so credible.