Hair Care in Rainy Season:
Hair Care in Rainy Season, Relief is the mercy of Allah. It should not be considered a problem. It is true that we have very little rainfall, but whenever it rains, many problems arise due to lack of proper management.
These problems are both individual and collective. This is the downside of rain. On the positive side, rain soothes the mind and body and relieves the heat, so the rainy season should be seen not only as a negative but also as a positive.
This season is so funny. A cold wind is blowing. After being bathed in rain water, the trees and plants sway and the birds chirp happily. This disease affects not only humans but also animals and birds.
Women face problems regarding their hair during rainy season, because rainy season also affects the hair. Given below are some methods, by which you can overcome the hair problems that arise during the rainy season and make your hair beautiful and beautiful.
After being drenched in rain, hair becomes stiff and stiff. This hair does not get tangled easily and does not come under your control. On such occasion, wet the hair first and then apply shampoo.
Wash your hair thoroughly after shampooing. Hair should not be washed with shampoo daily, otherwise it gets damaged. Shampooing your hair daily will only add to the problems you already have. This will also keep your hair clean and looking good.
Thus, the natural shine and elasticity of the hair is unaffected and the risk of tangling is reduced. It is also important to condition hair after washing, to control dryness. Excessive humidity is the biggest enemy of hair during rainy season.