How to color hair without chemical products:
How to color hair:
Shiny hair like silky smooth and silky are the hot favorite icons of every woman and girl nowadays, but there are some girls who want to make their very straight hair light or wavy by going to beauty salons and perming their hair using various chemical products.
Curly hair can be curle or curle with the help of rollers and irons.
You can curl your hair without using any chemical products and without applying heat to your hair by following a few tips at home. Before applying any style, wash your hair with a quality shampoo, apply conditioner and rinse.
When the hair is completely wet, divide it into two parts and braid it like a furniche braid or leave it in a regular bun braid and keep the braided hair wet from time to time with the help of hair spray.
Hair and tie
Also, with the help of your friend or sister, section all your hair and tie thin tight braids. Keep in mind that your hair should be wet and when your hair is dry, very carefully separate. The hair with your fingers, opening one braid at a time. By following this method, your hair will be crimpe.
Another way to curl your hair is to divide your wet hair into several sections after shampooing. And conditioning your hair thoroughly. Now, while twisting the hair from the roots, roll it like a patch. Bring the hair up to the ends, apply the rollers and wrap well and pin the vinegar to the skin.
Repeat this process on all the hair. If you want to spray, apply a little on the rollers and after drying, remove the rollers very carefully. And gently and separate the hair with the help of fingers with the head down.
Avoid brushing and combing your hair as much as possible. You can also create curls in your hair naturally by tying wet hair overnight.