Pregnant women at risk of malaria
Pregnant women at risk of malaria. People are still dying from malaria in the world. The disease, which is spread by small and vulnerable insects such as mosquitoes, is especially dangerous for pregnant women.
Malaria becomes a serious health problem during pregnancy in hot countries. Research has shown that pregnant women in areas affected by malaria throughout the year are affecte by the disease from early to mid-pregnancy.
Women who are pregnant for the first time are especially vulnerable to malaria. In the second and third pregnancy, their body's ability to fight disease increases. A surprising finding from the aforementioned research is that women with malaria are generally immune to high fever and chills.
This suggests that the immune system of pregnant women keeps the disease under control despite being attacke. By the malaria germs, which is why doctors usually do not detect the disease through diagnosis and blood tests.
would find It seems from the test itself. From this point of view, this disease can be dangerous for pregnant women. Due to the weakened immune system of pregnant women, malaria causes anaemia, or anemia, in the body, which often leads to heavy bleeding during delivery.
It becomes deficient and life-threatening due to excessive bleeding during pregnancy. However, iron deficiency anemia is very common among women in hot countries. 70 to 80 percent of women in malaria-endemic areas are anemic. Pregnant women with these symptoms should be give antimalarial drugs in addition to iron and folic acid.
These drugs should be give in the early days of pregnancy, because the fetus. The effects of these drugs are limite in the later stages of pregnancy. The risks of complications from malaria and anemia increase for young pregnant women, because their own growth is not complete.
happens Due to pregnancy, their processes begin to compete for nutrients between the developing embryo and fetus. It causes complications during childbirth, so it is important to protect women from malaria in affected areas. They should be shown strictly to qualified doctors, so that both they and the fetus are safe.