Safe Teeth of Children:
Safe Teeth of Children and Responsibilities of Mothers
Children's good health is also related to strong and disease-free teeth. Children's teeth are often damaged by eating coffee, chocolate or sweets. Tooth decay also affects children's health.
Good teeth and gums. Good health is possible. Many children have decay in their permanent teeth from the age of seven to eight years. That is, their teeth start to deteriorate from this age.
This process is called tooth decay. It is caused by plaque. A yellowish white surface that builds up on top of the teeth. Plaque affects two of the three surfaces of the teeth. and others when enamel is the hard protective shell of the teeth.
It is very important for children to brush their teeth regularly and brush properly. It makes it easier to remove plaque and the important ingredients in toothpaste like fluoride spread on the teeth, which strengthens the tooth enamel and protects the teeth from breakage. Fluoride in addition to toothpaste.
There are other means of getting it, such as water or some medicines from the dentist. Children seven years of age and older should brush their teeth by themselves or have their parents brush their teeth under their supervision.
For a child under seven years of age, choose a toothpaste that contains less fluoride than an adequate amount of fluoride for older children. Take the child to the dentist at an early age. Annual maintenance will become a habit and the dentist will be able to identify any dental problems in time.
Children's teeth breaking:
Both baby teeth (baby and permanent) can break in any way.
Young children's teeth are usually broke or dislodged when they are just starting to walk. This usually happens when a child's teeth are injured. Take a hard object in your mouth. At that time, his teeth may break. Most of the time, the upper surface of the teeth, ie the enamel, is affecte. But sometimes the entire tooth is broke.
Older children's teeth are usually broke in the event of playing or fighting. Such accidents can usually be prevente by using a mouth guard. Children's teeth can break at any time in the event of an accident.
This problem can occur with both baby and permanent teeth, but is less of a concern with baby teeth.
Any such accident can cause problems with permanent teeth. Baby teeth are usually encase in a natural protective shell.
Milk teeth:
If a baby tooth is broke and the baby is bleeding, first try to stop the bleeding. Stop the bleeding by placing a clean cloth or handkerchief in the space between the broken tooth.
Try to stop the bleeding of a young child by yourself. While older children can do this on their own. After that, immediately go to a dentist or hospital. Because it is very important to stop the bleeding.
Permanent teeth:
If a permanent tooth is broke for any reason, the child should immediately replace it with another tooth. This becomes a means of protecting the other teeth of the child.