Yogurt Fine food / beauty
Yogurt Fine food Milk is an important and balanced food from which butter, cheese, curd, lassi and many other food items are made. It is also very useful and good food for children, new mothers and elderly people.
The bacteria is Lactobacillus Bulgarcus, which converts the natural sweetness (lactose) in milk into acid (mac acid). That is why the human digestive system digests yogurt faster than milk.
According to modern scientific research, yogurt lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. Thanks to yogurt, the small intestine produces better vitamin K and vitamin B6, and calcium in yogurt is better and faster digested than milk.
Take a yogurt facial:
Facials can be done with natural ingredients and are cheaper than parlor facials but give better results.
However, this does not mean that a standar facial is not performe in the parlor.
Skin looking
You can keep your skin looking fresh and confident by following these tips on a daily basis. The presence of calcium, potassium and zinc in curd is beneficial for the skin as well as facial blemishes. It also helps to eliminate Cleansing
First of all, for cleansing, mix a few drops of lemon juice in yogurt and apply it on the face and neck with the help of cotton and keep massaging for ten minutes, then wash the face and neck with plain water.
Yogurt scrub:
Mix one spoonful of rice flour in curd and apply it on the face. Massage with light hands for fifteen minutes. This will clean the pores of the skin.
Face pack:
Mix a little gram flour, a little turmeric, a spoonful of honey, rose water and lemon juice and apply it on your face and neck for twenty minutes. During this time, do not talk, keep calm and then wash your face with plain water. Do not wash your face with soap for some time so that the nutrients of yogurt are available.